Opticians Association of Massachusetts

YOUR OAM: Committees

The directors to the OAM Board are assigned to various committee and are responsible for performing related tasks and completing assignments. Here is an overview of the various committees that serve the OAM:

  • By-Laws The By-Laws are reviewed on an annual basis for updates and revisions.
  • Communications Responsible for all forms of communications to the membership and MA opticians; includes internet, email, office, newsletters, mailings and surveys 
  • Education Responsible for scheduling, monitoring and arranging of ABO & NCLE Cec education 
  • Event Planning Responsible for reviewing, negotiating and communicating with current and prospective properties for hosting OAM events. 
  • Golf Tourney Responsible for arranging, managing, facilitating and scheduling the scholarship fund raising annual event 
  • Historical Responsible for archiving and recording our annual activities and maintaining a historical record of the activities of the association 
  • Legislative Responsible for periodic review of legislative proposals related to the optical profession, developing a members grassroots effort and maintaining current information regarding MA legislators and how they can be contacted 
  • Outreach Responsible for raising the awareness of Opticianry as a profession by reaching out to high school students, school guidance counselors, etc.
  • Scholarship Responsible for raising scholarship funding, evaluating applicants for scholarships and maintaining a fund raising strategy 
  • Website Responsible for the consistent review of the OAM web site and evaluating and enhancing its appeal and overall appearance and functionality.
  • The Opticians Association of Massachusetts

    Bringing your professional career into focus

    The OAM supports and believes in having close ties to our national leaders in Opticianry. The OAM is an affiliate member of the Opticians Association of America. $25 of each member's dues go towards the OAA affiliate membership and an OAA Individual Membership for each of our members. It has been through this relationship over the years that the OAM has prospered and grown in all areas due to the sharing of ideas and resources with the OAA and other OAA affiliated states throughout the country.

  • Contact Us

    Opticians Association of Massachusetts
    PO Box 419
    Medway, MA 02053

    Phone: 508.533.1419
    Fax: 508.533.3060
    eMail Address: OpticianMA@aol.com

2012 - .   All Rights Reserved. Opticians Association of Massachusetts